YCS San Mateo 2013: 3er lugar Billy Brake
Aqui puedes encontrar el Deck Dragon Ruler de Billy Brake que utilizo en la Yugioh Championship Series San Mateo del 2013, recuerden que ya pueden encontrar sus Decks favoritos de Yugioh. Deck Dragon Ruler de Billy Brake que utilizo en la Yugioh Championship Series San Mateo del 2013.
Dragon Ruler Deck: 40
Monstruos: 22
3 Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
1 Trigon
2 Debris Dragon
2 Dragunity Corseca
3 Maxx “C”
3 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
1 Swift Scarecrow
1 Flamvell Guard
3 Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Lightning
3 Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
Magias: 12
1 Cards of Consonance
2 Terrafrorming
3 Dragon Ravine
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Sacred Sword of Seven Stars
1 Book Of Moon
1 Gold Sarchopagus
Trampas: 6
3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
2 Vanity’s Emptiness
1 Return From The Different Dimension
Extra Deck: 15
2 Number 11 Big Eye
3 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1 Armory Arm
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Thought Archifiend
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Crimson Blader
1 Star Eater
Side Deck: 15
2 Debunk
3 DNA Surgery
2 D.D Crow
2 Mind Crush
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Deck Devastation Virus
1 Dust Tornado
3 XYZ Encore